Ciscomani 'Lives up to his Word' in new Advertisement

Ciscomani 'Lives up to his Word' in new Advertisement

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
October 16, 2024

The race for Arizona's 6th congressional district will be decided on November 5th, and newly released political advertisements are attempting to set the tone for the next 21 days. Arizona Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R) released an advertisement, calling into question former Arizona Rep. Kirsten Engel's (D) character. In contrast, Rep. Engel's campaign released an advertisement warning that Rep. Ciscomani is a threat to women's reproductive rights. With polls indicating that Rep. Ciscomani is on his way to winning reelection, his win rests on voters believing that he "lives up to his word."

Rep. Engel, who formerly served as a congresswoman for Arizona's 10th congressional district, is now looking to unseat Rep. Ciscomani. In a new ad, which feature's the former congresswoman's daughter, Rep. Engel is celebrated as a lawmaker who fought to increase school funding and cracked down on corporate price gouging while in office. If elected, she will also protect abortion rights, which Democrats have been strongly campaigning in favor of.

Sharing the advertisement on social media, Rep. Engel criticized her Republican challenger, writing that he has "prevented progress at the border and voted to roll back reproductive rights in Congress."

In contrast, Rep. Ciscomani's campaign released an advertisement this week, which calls into question if Rep. Engel can be trusted.

In the advertisement, a supporter of Rep. Ciscomani questions Rep. Engel's "false attacks" against the incumbent Republican, adding that those "false attacks" are indicative of everything that's wrong with politicians today.

"Kirsten Engel overbilled taxpayers and got slapped down by the courts," the supporter disappointedly shares, adding that "the judges called it a violation of trust." Given political infractions like this one, the Democratic challenger "simply cannot be trusted."

Calling Rep. Ciscomani "honest" and a candidate who "lives up to his word, the supporter affirms that "character matters, and that's why I'm supporting Juan."

Rep. Engel previously challenged Rep. Ciscomani for the seat in 2022, but she narrowly lost that election.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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