Crane's Anti-Border Tunnel Bill Passes House

Crane's Anti-Border Tunnel Bill Passes House

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
September 10, 2024

The Subterranean Border Defense Act, introduced by Representative Eli Crane (R-AZ) in February, has recently passed in the House of Representatives and is awaiting a vote in the Senate. The Arizona Congressman called the bill's passage "a massive win for our security."

In his statement, Rep. Crane chastised the Biden-Harris Administration's border policies and said the bill would allow Congress to defend against the cartels making use of these tunnels more effectively.

"Passage of this bill is a massive win for our security. The Biden-Harris Administration has eagerly dismantled our border, leaving Americans inexcusably vulnerable. This legislation would help counter that by making sure Congress has the info we need to address the deadly threat of cross-border tunnels," said the Arizona Congressman in his press release.

Rep. Crane had previously discussed the Subterranean Border Defense Act with Cactus Politics in May, describing the current difficulty in detecting and destroying tunnels is due to "our border checkpoints and in-between checkpoints are so overflowing with illegals coming into the country that it ties up a bunch of resources. And I think that makes it problematic because the tunnels are where they move a lot of the narcotics, but it is also where they could move weapons of mass destruction and some of the more serious terrorists if the price was right."

Since 1990, over 140 tunnels between the United States and Mexico have been discovered. Some boast sophisticated lighting, drainage, and rail systems far below the surface, and one tunnel was found to be nearly a mile long.

"It is hard for us to really allocate resources if we are not getting reporting and we do not have situational awareness of that threat. It is definitely a concern to many of us that have tried to be the canary in the coal mine about threats coming over the southern border and why Joe Biden's policies are so dangerous," Crane previously said in May.

Hence why, the Arizona Congressman called the bill's recent passage "a massive win for our security," as it requires yearly reports on anti-tunnel actions to update strategies based on similar tactics used by the State of Israel in their war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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