With Trump’s picks for Attorney General and U.N. Ambassador already in place, Senator Marco Rubio is arguing that he can’t support them just yet. When it comes to the nominations, Senator Rubio is saying that he needs more information on them before throwing his support.
On “Face the Nation” over the weekend, he was asked about William Barr becoming Attorney General and Heather Nauert representing the United States at the United Nations, which both require Senate confirmation.
He commented that “I can't comment on whether I support [Barr] or not yet. I haven't even begun to review his qualifications or his record in the past. I know he's been through the Senate process before. I'm going to watch the Judiciary process very closely. At the appropriate time I'll meet with the nominee and get my own take on it, and then I'll have a decision to make. I generally do not support nominees, for the most part, unless I know them personally and well, until they have worked their way through the committee process. So, I can't tell you whether I support him or not until I've been able to review all of that."
When it comes to Nauert’s confirmation, the hearing will be held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Rubio is a member of. Although he’s asking for more information regarding her nomination, he did mention that she has demonstrated the ability to promote the United States’ interest at the U.N.
Rubio detailed that “You know, I think she's been at the State Department now for almost two years, she's traveled extensively. I most certainly think she has the ability to do the job well, which is to be America's advocate in this international forum. Again, she will go through with Foreign Relations Committee, we'll have a chance to interact with her, ask her questions privately and publicly and then make that judgment."
He also added that “I need to meet with her. She needs to go through our committee and answer questions and then I’ll be able to make a judgement on it.”