The pain and agony Democrats felt after now-President-elect Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to win the presidency has now matastisized throughout their entire being.
The full on hate for Trump has pushed many far left-reaching Democrats to seek to undermine the final election night results by trying to persuade electors to cast their official vote from Trump to Clinton.
Last night at the state Capitol in Phoenix, about 100 protestors attended a candlelight vigil to press Arizona’s 11 electors to refrain from voting for Donald Trump, and to vote for Hillary Clinton instead.
The Vigils for American protest, which will continue on throughout the day until the all the votes are cast, is a nationwide effort that asked electors to “vote their conscience” before casting their officials votes for President-elect Donald Trump.
Don’t expect this whining political stunt to work, as just about all of Florida’s electors are true blue Trump supporters.