The Obama Administration has been criticized of being soft and sympathetic towards Islam and radical Islamic terrorist over a supposed pro-Christian jihad against that religion. Obama’s long -standing threat to close down the naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and release those suspected of having terror ties to their countries of origin, or countries that would take them in, will probably never come to fruition not that Donald Trump will be president
While the administrations foreign policy, which includes how they have dealt with enemies of the state or Islamic detainees ,has been brought into question many times, one instance where Obama is Johnny on the spot and correct, is with the case concerning Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu, a Kenyan linked to at terror attack against an Israeli hotel in Mombasa, Kenya.
Obama has labeled Abdul Malik, who has never been official charged of a crime, as a “forever prisoner,” or someone too dangerous to ever be released.
Now Obama wants the Israelis to take him because of the hotel attack and a car bombing that killed a total of 13 people.
A leaked May 2007 prison profile describes Abdul Malik as having “admitted that he participated in the planning and execution” of two terrorist attacks that targeted Israelis on the same day, Nov. 28, 2002 in Mombasa. A car-bombing of the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel killed 13 people, mostly Kenyans, around the same time an unsuccessful surface-to-air missile attack targeted an Israeli Arkia airliner carrying 271 passengers near Mombasa airport.-Miami Herald
The Israelis want him, but for whatever reason, the FBI refused to cooperate with Israeli intelligence about the bureau’s interrogation of Abdul Malik.
“The government of Israel has repeatedly asked for information to support their possible prosecution. But, for reasons that are unclear, the FBI has declined to provide the information that has been requested by senior Israeli prosecutors…They want to see the incriminating statements. And that’s where we are stuck — and have been for many months —which is frustrating.”- Unnamed U.S. Government source
This is the once country you want these terrorist released to. Israel has a funny and just way of making terrorists talk and disappear.