Independent Report Confirms Phoenix VA Suicide Care Problems

Independent Report Confirms Phoenix VA Suicide Care Problems

Joel Andres Frewa
Joel Andres Frewa
December 7, 2016

In 2015 Brandon Coleman and Jared Kinnaman filed compalint about the way the Phoenix VA was treating potentially suicidal veterans. Despite the VA fighting the claims, yesterday Coleman and Kinnaman were vindicated by a report put out by an independent ferald watchdog agency.

The two councelors at the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center claimed that the Phoenix VA lacked the ER metal health staff and procedures nessesary to deal with and treat suicidal veterans. The new report verifies the claims and serves as vindication for the two whistle blowers. Coleman states after the report was relelased:

This is vindication for me, this proved to the President of the United States that I told the truth. But the lesson here is what an employee goes through for telling the truth. The V-A came after me harder for telling the truth, than they did in actually admitting a problem.

According to AZCentral, the Phoenix VA did try to address some of these issues, but they also came after the whistleblowers:

But according to the Office of Special Counsel, they also shut down Coleman's program for substance-abusing veterans, placed him on administrative leave and unlawfully inspected his medical files.

The Phoenix VA has been fighting off scandal after scandal for years now, yet every claim made against them continues to be independently verified.

Coleman spoke with FOX10:

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Joel Andres Frewa

Joel Andres Frewa

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