Hamadeh Releases Sharp New 'Battle-Tested' Campaign Ad

Hamadeh Releases Sharp New 'Battle-Tested' Campaign Ad

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
April 23, 2024

Former U.S. Army Captain Abe Hamadeh (R) has released a new ad in his bid to replace Representative Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), touting his military service as proof he is "battle-tested,attacking his rival Blake Masters as having "abandoned America Firstand proudly proclaiming his endorsement from President Donald Trump.

Hamadeh posted the ad on X (formerly Twitter), saying, "America is under attack – and it’s up to all of us to save our country. I’m proud to be endorsed by President Trump, @KariLake, and so many others who have taken on this corrupt system. Together, we will defeat these villains once and for all."

In addition to the bold opening statement that "saving America is going to take guts,the ad claims Blake Masters, who had previously run against Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), had "abandoned America First and sold out to the Swamp."

While Hamadeh's claim cannot be verified, Masters indeed lost Trump's endorsement in December, when the former President posted on Truth Social, "I am giving Abe Hamadeh my Complete and Total Endorsement in his quest to be the Congressman from District 8, representing the Great State of Arizona. Abe Hamadeh is a veteran, a former prosecutor and fearless fighter for our elections. He will be a true WARRIOR in Congress, and always put America First!"

The rest of Hamadeh's ad claimed he would be "taking them all on: The Uniparty elite, the propaganda machine in the media, the cabal of corruption in Maricopa County, and our badly compromised courts."

The latter two institutions mentioned in the ad are a possible reference to Hamadeh and Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake's claims of their respective elections for Attorney General and Governor in the 2022 midterms being stolen via Maricopa County while also referring to Trump's legal battles ahead of the election, which many claim are political to prevent him from running.

Nevertheless, the ad's rhetoric resembles Hamadeh's comments in an interview with Catcus Politics at the end of February, where he said, "I no longer recognize this country, and it has only gotten worse. I know who the phonies are, who the crooks are. Our country is being stolen from us, quite frankly, whether it is our academic institutions. Whether it is immigration again and our elections, obviously. So we have to look at it. What is happening, really, [is] Marxism has infiltrated every aspect of our life."

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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