It’s a common phenomenon – political parties, industries, companies are often defined by their worst actors. The good elements of an industry, or a party, or a movement are tainted by the bad acts of a few.
Arizona conservatives have had no small share of this. It’s a successfully governed, low-tax, anti-regulatory, pro-freedom, pro-life state with a rising reputation. And yet there are a handful of clowns who make us all look bad. It’s time we stated clearly: These people do not represent us as a movement, or a party.
Here are the four biggest dolts our party has running in the 2018 election. They’re all on the ballot. God willing, they will lose, the media will surely miss them because this this quartet provides plenty of material to reporters who like to write about how loutish and awful conservatives are.
Does Texas have a constitutional right to defy Supreme Court on protecting its border?
Don Shooter (pictured). The guy was expelled from the state House of Representatives for sexual harassment. Yet here he is on the ballot, running again and seeking redemption. Shooter is boorish. There’s no way around it. His bad behavior was common knowledge for years in the state Senate, though everyone (including the media) looked the other way and just thought, “That’s Don being Don.” When confronted with his bad behavior, he easily could have issued a heartfelt apology and that would’ve been the end of it. But that’s not the Shooter way. He was defiant to the end, launching rhetorical scuds, blaming others for his downfall, and claiming on his way out the door that he was a victim of bad deeds by others. Sorry, Don. You’ve behaved too badly and your face has graced the front page of the Republic too many times for our own good. Will the voters please put him out of our misery?
Paul Mosely. This dim bulb was pulled over for excessive speeding recently. Not only did he wrongly declare legislative immunity – which was unfortunately allowed by the police officer – he bragged on camera about how fast he normally travels, including speeds well over 100 mph! The video went viral and caused quite the media sensation. Let’s state it simply here for the record: What distinguishes conservatives from liberals is that we believe everyone should be treated the same. Liberals are about creating different classes of people, and demanding special treatment, and playing identity politics. The notion that a legislator would assert that he’s in a privileged class – and therefore the laws don’t apply to him! -- is incredible. Forget all the disclosures about his other boorish behavior. His “the-laws-don’t-apply-to-me” mentality disqualifies him from acceptable conservative circles.
For reference:
David Stringer. The white nationalist from Yavapai. He was dumb enough to get caught on tape saying some pretty outlandish things starting with, “There aren’t enough white kids to go around” in Arizona public schools. Shame on him. But then, in an effort to salvage what’s left of his disintegrating reputation, he scheduled a press conference with Arizona’s version of Jesse Jackson at Lo-Lo’s chicken-and-waffles restaurant! Who gave him that advice? The best thing he’s had going for him was getting kicked out of the headlines by Paul Mosely (see the “genius” referenced above).
(For reference –
Diane Douglas. This is not an affirmative action choice to diversify the dimwitted white-men’s club mentioned above. She’s earned this. It’s been awhile since she’s made headlines, showing that even dolts have the capacity to learn. But her four years as state school superintendent have been a spectacular waste. The woman ran for public office having no clue what she was doing. It took less than a month for her to permanently alienate herself from everyone in every other branch of office. Think about it – how often have legislators sought her out for her opinion on anything? Her own Board of Education routinely ignores her. Can you ever remember a sitting Speaker of the House or Senate President jointly endorsing an opponent of an incumbent office-holder? It never happens, but it did here. That’s the depth of the antagonism people have for this laughingstock.
For reference --
These four represent the Grand Slam of boorish conservatism. There are many other honorable mentions in this category. If readers demand it, we could perhaps do an “on-deck” version of the other fools on our list. But in the meantime, there are these pesky things called elections that even these clowns have to face. Here’s hoping voters do us a favor and sweep them all away. Whoever replaces them couldn’t be worse, could they?