It hasn’t even been a week after Hurricane Irma ripped through Florida, but that hasn’t stopped top Democratic leaders from pointed to climate change as being the cause of the recent hurricanes that have made landfall in the US.
We all knew this was coming, just didn’t think it would come so soon after Hurricane Irma, and while so many Floridians are trying to pick up the pieces and restore some semblance normality in their lives.
The POLITICO caught up with Florida’s other US Senator, Senator Bill Nelson (D) shortly after he and senate colleague Marco Rubio, Carlos Curbelo, and Gov. Rick Scott, boarded a U.S. Coast Guard C-130 to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Irma.
Nelson squarely blamed global warming for Irma.
“It’s denying reality,” Nelson said. “You can call it politics or whatever, but the Earth is getting hotter. This storm is another reminder of what we’re going to have to deal with in the future.”-Sen. Nelson (D), POLITICO
Nelson has been hot-to-trot on social media lately, taking advantage of the the storm for much-needed free earned media time, this as he prepares to defend his senate seat against Rick Scott in the 2018 general election.
Scott has received overwhelming news coverage over his governing before, during , and after the storm hit state.bat
The climate change debate will most likely be focal point in next year’s mid-term election in Florida. Actually, you can probably bank that it will be.