Arizona's Newest Congressman Walks Into Empty Office

Arizona's Newest Congressman Walks Into Empty Office

Joel Andres Frewa
Joel Andres Frewa
January 3, 2017

With big shoes to fill, Andy Biggs (no pun intended) walked into his new office in the Longworth House Office Building to fill the shoes of now retired Matt Salmon, who will aparently be joining the faculty at ASU. Replacing Matt Salmon will be a tall order, especially in the eyes of Conservatives in Arizona who voted for Christine Jones because they felt Biggs was "too establishment".

While some had those concerns, Biggs did earn the endosement of now former Congressman Salmon, and conservative heavyweight now former Shriff Joe Arpaio. Biggs will take over representing the 5th District

Biggs walks into Congress after a very rough primary and a very easy general election, with big ambition and a big agenda. During the campaign he promised to get 6 bills into the 115th Congress in the fisrt two weeks. Those include:

  • No pay for members of congress until the budget is balanced,
  • Restore congressional authority over the bureaucacry's regulatory ability,
  • Ending Obamacare excemptions for members of Congress,
  • Passing Grant's Law to "protect innocent Americans from violent illegal immigrants",
  • A full repeal of common core and sending education authorities back to the states,
  • Removing Arizona out of the jurisdiction of the 9th Federal Circuit Court and establish a 12th Federal District Court.

It remains to be seen if any of these bills will pass, let alone make it to the House floor, but you can be sure those Arizonan's who elected him in one of the closest primary elections in history will surely be watching to ensure he follows through on those lofty promises.

Biggs joins a freshman class of 55 new House members. His new official website is Biggs.House.Gov

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Joel Andres Frewa

Joel Andres Frewa

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