it was announced on election night, but known well before then that Robert Graham would seek the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee. The election will take place in January in Washington, and rumors of Carly Fiorina seeking the post seem to have subsided. So what are Graham's real chances?
Political strategist Mike Noble told Cronkite News:
“His record speaks for itself and that’s why so many people have been encouraging Robert to run. He’s built many inroads in the Native American community and he kept the Arizona Republican Party stable through a very challenging time.”
Also seeking the post is David Bosie, who is a Trump insider and formerly of Club for Growth. It is very possible that this will devolve into a two person race pitting Trump allies and backers who would back Bosie into a fight with those Republicans still weary of the president elect backing Graham. Graham has been nothing but supportive of Trump since he was able to win the nomination, but detractors may see this as a way to keep the RNC as neutral as possible.
The race to replace Graham at AZGOP chair has already started with Jim O'Connor, chairman of LD23 seeking the seat as the conservative choice.
“I am running to give AZGOP State Committeemen an opportunity to choose a Chairman who will incorporate the grassroots activists’ voices and ideas into the operation of our State Party. I intend to reopen the doors of party headquarters to Republican volunteers and take advantage of their willingness to offer their time, talents, and treasure to the party. I look to orchestrate a model of appropriate behavior from the top down.”