Americans inexplicably stay in abusive relationships for many reasons. Domestic Violence occurs against both sexes, not just to women, even though the majority of reported cases are filed against men.
One reason that most of you would not suspect of being a reason for someone to stay in a an abusive relationship is because of Fido the Dog.
Yes, many Americans cite the family pet as being the reason why they stick it out in an a bad relationship.
It makes sense.
How many people can honestly say that the family pet is the only thing that is keeping their domestic relationship together?
Not many will admit to it, but there is a large and silent group of people lumped together who feel this way.
Congresswoman Krysten Sinema (D) is all about the family pet and its involvement in domestic violence cases.
Sinema has given a "PAW" up to the cause by recently co-sponsoring the PAWS Act, a bill that aimed at protecting "families & pets from abuse."
The bill sponsored by Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis (FL), is also co-sponsored by Reps. Martha McSalley (R) and Matt Salmon (R)