Chelsea Clinton In AZ; Campaigns For Kirkpatrick & Her Mom

Chelsea Clinton In AZ; Campaigns For Kirkpatrick & Her Mom

Stacy Damitio
Stacy Damitio
October 19, 2016

Chelsea Clinton campaigned for her mom, and U.S. Senate Candidate, Ann Kirkpatrick during a get out the vote rally today at Arizona State University’s Tempe campus.



Clinton spoke about her mom’s platform, and then took questions from the crowd of roughly 175 people. She began by saying her mom’s plans have already laid out how everything she is proposing will be paid for.

“My mom’s vision is to enable every one who comes from a family making $125,000 a year or less to be able to go to ASU or any other state college tuition free. That would cover 88 percent of Arizona families. She thinks that every one should be able to go to community college, for free,” Clinton said.

Clinton did not however, give any details regarding where the money would come from to pay for this plan.

She also talked about her excitement at the possibility of “turning Arizona blue”, all the way down to our sheriff.

“Voting should be easy in our country, and I am thrilled that my party’s platform, the Democratic party platform has now committed to something that my mom has been a longtime and was an early champion of, automatic voter registration at 18 or when you become an American citizen,” Clinton said, “We need to make sure the people have the right to vote.”

Halfway into Clinton’s speech the crowd began thinning out, and any enthusiasm that lingered began to dissipate.

Clinton will be with Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama tomorrow at the Phoenix Convention Center for their final Get Out The Vote Appearance in Arizona.

A poll released today shows Clinton with a five-point lead over Trump, and McCain with a 10-point lead over Kirkpatrick.



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Stacy Damitio

Stacy Damitio

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