The Next President of the U.S. is…

The Next President of the U.S. is…

Adriana Cohen
Adriana Cohen
October 14, 2016

With 25 days to the elections, the candidates, Hillary Clinton (D) and Donald Trump (R), are anxiously looking to make their case to the American people as to why they should vote for them, respectively, on Tuesday, November 8th.

Regardless of how either candidate is perceived at the moment, the “Trump Tape” may be the October surprise to “trump” all October surprises. Donald Trump is down in many of the polls including one from Fox News.

Real Clear Politics reports that Clinton is up in polls conducted by Fox News, NBC News, Reuters, the Economist, Quinnipiac and the Atlantic while Donald Trump is tied in polls conducted by the LA Times.

Trump has recently commented on the Mainstream Media for being biased and for not pressing the recent John Podesta Wikileaks emails that have been released in batches, and many people have started to question whether the accuracy of the polls should be trusted.

Few time has been spent analyzing and discussing the Podesta emails and the damning and concerning information they reveal. Instead, the media has chosen to cover sexual comments made in private about what consenting women let Trump do in privacy.

And, when Bill Clinton’s extramarital missteps and Hillary’s shaming of Bill’s accusers are called into defense, the media has been largely quiet or used the argument that “Bill isn’t running.”

These final days are crucial for both campaigns and early voting has begun, so all eyes will be on the last debate next week to see how both candidates perform and how they effectively communicate their respective arguments.

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Adriana Cohen

Adriana Cohen

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