As Trump Flies in, Arizona Remains Crucial Battle Ground

As Trump Flies in, Arizona Remains Crucial Battle Ground

October 4, 2016

As Donald Trump visits Prescott later today, with very few protesters lining up, Arizona remains a crucial battleground in the race for the presidency.

The citizens of Arizona may not be used to so much attention from presidential candidates in a general election considering the arizonacandidatevisits10042016state has only voted democrat once since 1948. The Real Clear Politics average of polls in Arizona shows a very contested election, with Donald Trump leading by only 2.2%.
Arizona has never been considered a swing state, but with a growing Hispanic population, and Democrats leading the efforts to register new citizens, that may be changing sooner rather than later. Efforts led by the group Mi Familia Vota (My Family Votes) are aiming to fully register and mobilize Arizona's 31% Hispanic population and have been successful to some measure.

This promises to be the closest presidential election in Arizona since 1996, the last time a democrat won the state.


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